“At Childerstown High School and at college he had never led his class nor taken prizes; but, without being aware that he did, he really blamed this on his failure to work hard, or any harder than he needed to. . . . What he did not know, what Paul Bonbright, among others, showed him, was that those abilities of his that got him, without distinction but also without much exertion, through all previous lessons and examinations, were not first rate abilities handicapped by laziness, but second rate, by no degree of effort or assiduity to be made the equal of abilities like Bonbright s.”
“Tα κομπιούτερ περιέχουν τόσο νοημοσύνη, όσο τα στερεοφωνικά συγκροτήματα περιέχουν μουσικά όργανα.”
“Watson represents merely a step in the development of smart machines. Its answering prowess, so formidable on a winter afternoon in 2011, will no doubt seem quaint in a surprisingly short time.”
“A critical attitude, like activity, is one of the fundamental characteristics of our time. Both are interdependent. If the critical attitude should dwindle, there would be more peace and less intelligence, to the benefit of the essential. Neither criticism nor activity, however, can steer the course in such a direction - this means that higher forces are involved.”
“L Homme a arrêté son évolution après avoir inventé la roue et l air climatisé.”
“Les enfants sont des créatures extraordinaires, quand ils ne sont pas simplement chiants.”
“One of the problems with having time to read all that you want is that your interests become so eclectic it s hard to focus.”
“That is, ability, values, opportunities, gender, culture, and social class all affect the aspirations and achievements of academically talented students. So does chance.”
“The teenage brain sees more than meets the eye.”
“And man has sought immortality. A writer, if he is a good writer, seeks immortality through his books, through his words, through his thoughts. He is there, at least he is there, he thinks, permanently. There is nothing permanent. There is no permanency of you. Others seek immortality in history - the politicians, the kings. But you and I are not writers; we are not kings; we don t make history. We are ordinary people, living with trouble, pain, anxiety, not knowing, confused, with a little affection, we are the ordinary people. And also we want immortality. We have never asked what is immortality. That is, not mortality, immortality means no dying. And if one has gone into it very deeply, one sees there is nothing permanent, nothing, either on earth or in yourself. Which isn t a despair, which isn t something to be frightened of. And when you see there is nothing permanent, that very observation, that very perception is the highest form of intelligence. And intelligence, which is not personal, which is not yours, or mine, is the everlasting. And from there the mind becomes infinite, because it is no longer caught in attachment, it is no longer seeking anything, any experience. It is completely a light to itself and therefore eternal. from:J. Krishnamurti 3rd Public Talk Masonic Auditorium San Francisco 23rd March 1975”
“A subordinate must present a dim-witted face before his superiors, so as not to confuse his superiors with his intelligence.”
“L intelligence ne se définit plus comme une faculté de résoudre un problème, mais comme celle de pénétrer un monde partagé.”
“Confusion is a sign of intelligence; only fools are crystal clear.”
“A genius that survives is the real genius.”
“Education wouldn t stop you from passing over opportunities repeatedly. You can be educated and still be poor. It s only your true intelligence that would make you face one single cause until you succeed. You have no idea of what s gonna happen next, so you gotta open your eyes wide to see. Life is all about improvisation and not those sacred certificates.”
“The size of a man’s understanding may always be justly measured by his mirth.”
“People believe there is no difference between intelligence and smartness. I beg to differ – I’ve met many intelligent cretins in my life, but smart idiot, I’ve never seen anything like it.”