


“The teenage brain sees more than meets the eye.”

— Forrest Gold, Share via Whatsapp

“And man has sought immortality. A writer, if he is a good writer, seeks immortality through his books, through his words, through his thoughts. He is there, at least he is there, he thinks, permanently. There is nothing permanent. There is no permanency of you. Others seek immortality in history - the politicians, the kings. But you and I are not writers; we are not kings; we don t make history. We are ordinary people, living with trouble, pain, anxiety, not knowing, confused, with a little affection, we are the ordinary people. And also we want immortality. We have never asked what is immortality. That is, not mortality, immortality means no dying. And if one has gone into it very deeply, one sees there is nothing permanent, nothing, either on earth or in yourself. Which isn t a despair, which isn t something to be frightened of. And when you see there is nothing permanent, that very observation, that very perception is the highest form of intelligence. And intelligence, which is not personal, which is not yours, or mine, is the everlasting. And from there the mind becomes infinite, because it is no longer caught in attachment, it is no longer seeking anything, any experience. It is completely a light to itself and therefore eternal. from:J. Krishnamurti 3rd Public Talk Masonic Auditorium San Francisco 23rd March 1975”

— J. Krishnamurti, Share via Whatsapp

“A subordinate must present a dim-witted face before his superiors, so as not to confuse his superiors with his intelligence.”

— Peter the Great, Share via Whatsapp

“L intelligence ne se définit plus comme une faculté de résoudre un problème, mais comme celle de pénétrer un monde partagé.”

— Francisco J. Varela, Share via Whatsapp

“Confusion is a sign of intelligence; only fools are crystal clear.”

— Haresh Sippy, Share via Whatsapp

“A genius that survives is the real genius.”

— Raheel Farooq, Share via Whatsapp

“Education wouldn t stop you from passing over opportunities repeatedly. You can be educated and still be poor. It s only your true intelligence that would make you face one single cause until you succeed. You have no idea of what s gonna happen next, so you gotta open your eyes wide to see. Life is all about improvisation and not those sacred certificates.”

— Ifeoluwa Egbetade, Share via Whatsapp

“The size of a man’s understanding may always be justly measured by his mirth.”

— Samuel Johnson, The Life and Writings of Samuel Johnson, LL. D, Vol. 2 of 2, Share via Whatsapp

“People believe there is no difference between intelligence and smartness. I beg to differ – I’ve met many intelligent cretins in my life, but smart idiot, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

— Leila Samarrai, Avanture Borisa K., Share via Whatsapp

“...imitation supplements inadequate congenital variations in the direction of an instinct, and so, by keeping the creature alive, sets the trend of further variations in the same direction until the instinct is fully organized and congenital. If both of these views be true, as there seems reason to believe, then imitation holds a remarkable position in relation to intelligence and instinct. It stands midway between them and aids them both. In some functions it keeps the performance going, and so allows of its perfection as an instinct; in others it puts a stress on intelligence, and so allows the instinct to fall away, if it have no independent utility in addition to that served by the intelligence. In other words, it is through imitation that instincts both arise and decay; that is, some instincts are furthered, and some suppressed, by imitation.”

— Karl Groos, The Play of Animals, Share via Whatsapp

“[There is] no direct relationship between IQ and economic opportunity. In the supposed interests of fairness and “social justice”, the natural relationship has been all but obliterated. Consider the first necessity of employment, filling out a job application. A generic job application does not ask for information on IQ. If such information is volunteered, this is likely to be interpreted as boastful exaggeration, narcissism, excessive entitlement, exceptionalism [...] and/or a lack of team spirit. None of these interpretations is likely to get you hired. Instead, the application contains questions about job experience and educational background, neither of which necessarily has anything to do with IQ. Universities are in business for profit; they are run like companies, seek as many paying clients as they can get, and therefore routinely accept people with lukewarm IQ’s, especially if they fill a slot in some quota system (in which case they will often be allowed to stay despite substandard performance). Regarding the quotas themselves, these may in fact turn the tables, advantaging members of groups with lower mean IQ’s than other groups [...] sometimes, people with lower IQ’s are expressly advantaged in more ways than one. These days, most decent jobs require a college education. Academia has worked relentlessly to bring this about, as it gains money and power by monopolizing the employment market across the spectrum. Because there is a glut of college-educated applicants for high-paying jobs, there is usually no need for an employer to deviate from general policy and hire an applicant with no degree. What about the civil service? While the civil service was once mostly open to people without college educations, this is no longer the case, and quotas make a very big difference in who gets hired. Back when I was in the New York job market, “minorities” (actually, worldwide majorities) were being spotted 30 (thirty) points on the civil service exam; for example, a Black person with a score as low as 70 was hired ahead of a White person with a score of 100. Obviously, any prior positive correlation between IQ and civil service employment has been reversed. Add to this the fact that many people, including employers, resent or feel threatened by intelligent people [...] and the IQ-parameterized employment function is no longer what it was once cracked up to be. If you doubt it, just look at the people running things these days. They may run a little above average, but you’d better not be expecting to find any Aristotles or Newtons among them. Intelligence has been replaced in the job market with an increasingly poor substitute, possession of a college degree, and given that education has steadily given way to indoctrination and socialization as academic priorities, it would be naive to suppose that this is not dragging down the overall efficiency of society. In short, there are presently many highly intelligent people working very “dumb” jobs, and conversely, many less intelligent people working jobs that would once have been filled by their intellectual superiors. Those sad stories about physics PhD’s flipping burgers at McDonald s are no longer so exceptional. Sorry, folks, but this is not your grandfather’s meritocracy any more.”

— Christopher Langan, Share via Whatsapp

“Nature has distributed intelligence unequally, but imagination equally.”

— Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words, Share via Whatsapp

“The humans have become so obsessed with innovation that they have completely ignored their own soul. And among these innovation-obsessed humans, the so-called transhumanists are the most deluded bunch, for they don’t have a clue of any kind of order in the human mind, yet they boast about developing more advanced technologies to merge the mind with machine – and the most interesting thing to notice here is that, they don’t even have a clue that they don’t have a clue.”

— Abhijit Naskar, Share via Whatsapp

“Isn t violence a failure of the imagination, after all? And that failure, isn t it stupidity?”

— Jeet Thayil, The Book of Chocolate Saints, Share via Whatsapp

“I ve come to suspect that whenever any ability is difficult to learn and rarely performed well, it s probably because contraries are called for - patting the head and rubbing the belly. Thus, good writing is hard because it means trying to be creative and critical; good teaching is hard because it means trying to be ally and adversary of students; good evaluation is hard because it means trying to be subjective and objective; good intelligence is rare because it means trying to be intuitive and logical.”

— Peter Elbow, Embracing Contraries: Explorations in Learning and Teaching, Share via Whatsapp

“Intelligence is an insufficient commodity, but imagination is an infinite commodity.”

— Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words, Share via Whatsapp

“Spy planes, drone aircraft, satellites with cameras that can see from three hundred miles what you can see from a hundred feet. They see and they hear. Like ancient monks, you know, who recorded knowledge, wrote it painstakingly down. These systems collect and process. All the secret knowledge of the world.”

— Don DeLillo, Libra, Share via Whatsapp