


“We are our own asteroid. Our consumption of fossil fuels has released--is releasing--a store of carbon into the atmosphere that has been accumulating for hundreds of millions of years. Corals, plankton, predators: everything in the ocean is screaming at us to stop. If we don t listen and take action right now, we could be witnesses to the death of most life on earth. We will be the cause of that death... We will have erased ourselves in a blink of geologic time.”

— Rob Stewart, Save the Humans, Share via Whatsapp

“What you buy doesn t make you cool, it makes you the opposite. Stop buying stuff just to have more stuff. Most of us have enough of everything already. Let s care for what we ve got, instead, and dispose of our disposable society.”

— Rob Stewart, Save the Humans, Share via Whatsapp

“It ensured that I d never think that patriotism and dissent were opposites.”

— Bill McKibben, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, Share via Whatsapp

“Specialists are the animals that remind us what an incredible fluke it is that our world exists at all; that the temperature is what it is, that the air we breathe is 21 percent oxygen. They remind us how much damage even the smallest changes to that system can cause and they show us how badly we re screwing things up.”

— Rob Stewart, Save the Humans, Share via Whatsapp

“No anti-slavery crusader aimed for a partial solution or settled on a regimen of interim targets. The fight to end slavery was a fight to end 100 percent of slavery for all time. In just that way, we can t settle for partial measures if we are going to win the war for our world. We need to fight for 100 percent sustainability, now.”

— Rob Stewart, Save the Humans, Share via Whatsapp

“The vision of the ideal life that we ve been taught in the West, which is gaining ever more purchase in China and India and elsewhere, feeds the system we need to undo. Go to school in order to get a degree in order to get a job in order to earn money so you can try to buy happiness because your life sucks, then retire and die: this is not meaningful living.”

— Rob Stewart, Save the Humans, Share via Whatsapp

“Isolation is the first step of revolution.”

— Yash Thakur, Share via Whatsapp

“Revolution is the harmony of form and color and everything exists, and moves, under only one law: Life. Nobody is separate by anybody else. Nobody fights for himself. Everything is All and One. Anguish and pain, pleasure and death are no more than a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is a doorway open to intelligence.”

— Frida Khalo, Share via Whatsapp

“Revolutions as often take place because the old regime simply collapse out of economic inefficiency and bureaucratic rigidity rather than for the reasons given out by their successors taking too much credit, however heroic their actions at the time of crisis (but so often in the past hopeless).”

— Bernard Crick, Democracy: A Very Short Introduction, Share via Whatsapp

“इस कदर वाकिफ है मेरी कलम मेरे जज़्बातों से, अगर मैं इश्क़ लिखना भी चाहूँ तो इंक़लाब लिखा जाता है।”

— Bhagat Singh, Share via Whatsapp

“The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power”

— Wael Ghonim, Share via Whatsapp

“Every revolution begins with one voice crying in the wilderness.”

— Jeffrey Fry, Share via Whatsapp

“Orang-orang tertindas hanya memiliki satu alat untuk melawan: amuk, dan jika aku harus memberitahumu, revolusi tak lebih amuk bersama-sama. di organisir oleh sebuah partai. Opressed people only have one tool of resistance: run amok. And if I have to tell you, revolution is nothing more than a collective running amok, organized by one particular party.”

— Eka Kurniawan, Share via Whatsapp

“الثورة عادة نار تأكل نفسها وأبناءها ووعودها .. أما الثوار فهم مثل الأثرياء : ليس لهم أولاد .. ولكن لهم ورثة فقط !”

— أنيس منصور, في السياسة الجزء الأول, Share via Whatsapp

“The true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations which we seek to escape, but that piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us, and which knows only the oppressors tactics, the oppressors relationships.”

— Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches, Share via Whatsapp

“The only evidence to the contrary was the mute protest in your own bones, the instinctive feeling that the conditions you lived in were intolerable and that at some other time they must have been different.”

— George Orwell, 1984, Share via Whatsapp

“But after reading it he knew better than before that he was not mad. Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

— George Orwell, 1984, Share via Whatsapp