


“Sometimes a revolution turns into an actual government, or at the very least an actual way of life that contrasts with days past like blood on snow. Such was the case in France, where even as the guillotine released a steady river of gore, Royalist insurrections were suppressed by what had become a sophisticated military. In Toulon, the Royalist insurrection in 1793 led to an actual siege by republicans, spearheaded by none other than Napoleon Bonaparte. The Royalists in Toulon, supported by the British and Spanish, were feared by the republicans as an existential threat to every hope and promise of the revolution. For months there were bombardments, cannon fire that made the windows in the prison tremble.”

— Kelsey Brickl, Wolves and Urchins: The Early Life of Inspector Javert, Share via Whatsapp

“মিথ্যার বিরুদ্ধে সত্য; সত্যের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতি-সত্য; প্রতি সত্যের বিরুদ্ধে উত্তর-সত্য; উত্তর সত্যের বিরুদ্ধে আর যদি কোনো সত্য থেকে থাকে তবে তা উচ্চারণ করাই বিপ্লবী কাজ”

— মেহেরাব ইফতি, Share via Whatsapp

“Let them run ahead. Then I’ll have good reason for shooting them down. Sharpeville? Attempting to escape. Attempting to escape from the prison of their lives. That’s the most dangerous crime. It brings about revolution. So, off we go, lads!”

— Derek Walcott, Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays, Share via Whatsapp

“If Lenin would have had facebook, there would never have been any Russian Revolution. He would have had five followers, a handful of friends, and he d type frantically into his own bubble. If Hitler would have had facebook, we d still be plagued by a constant stream of conspiracy sites. Damn, how lucky are we exactly that none of these geezers had facebook and meddled about with the world instead.”

— Martijn Benders, Share via Whatsapp

“Second we find in our prerevolutionary society definite and indeed very bitter class antagonisms, though these antagonisms seem rather more complicated than the cruder Marxists will allow.”

— Brinton Crane, Share via Whatsapp

“I want to live in a liberated intersectional society. As long as inequality and discrimination exists, I cannot be satisfied with the life that we are forced to live. Everyone deserves to lead the life they want to and not what is prescribed for them. We must be who we want to be. In this we must be happy. I am also tired of seeing black people fight to live. This is what drives my activism. I literally (as clichéd as it sounds), dream of a moment where we can be free to exist as we want to.”

— Malebo Sephodi, Share via Whatsapp

“Never mind the stillness - the deep sleeps to awake. - The Epic of Sheik Bedreddin, Verse 6.”

— Nâzım Hikmet, Poems of Nazım Hikmet, Share via Whatsapp

“My good friends, things cannot go on well in England, nor ever will until everything shall be in common, when there shall be neither vassal nor lord, and all distinctions levelled; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves. How ill they have used us!”

— John Ball, Share via Whatsapp

“They became actual revolutions instead of mere discussions, complaints and rioting, only after revolutionists had beaten, or won over, the armed forces of the government”

— Crane Brinton, Share via Whatsapp

“The Constitution, the National Assembly, the dynastic parties, the blue and the red republicans, the heroes of Africa, the thunder from the platform, the sheet lightning of the daily press, the entire literature, the political names and the intellectual reputations, the civil law and penal code, the liberté, égalité, fraternité and the second of May 1852—all have vanished like a phantasmagoria before the spell of a man whom even his enemies do not make out to be a magician. Universal suffrage seems to have survived only for a moment, in order that with its own hand it may make its last will and testament before the eyes of all the world and declare in the name of the people itself: Everything that exists has this much worth, that it will perish.”

— Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Share via Whatsapp

“Police chiefs don t think a cat can possibly turn into a lion; and yet, it happens.”

— Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, Share via Whatsapp

“The difference between force and persuation is a subtile one not to be drawn by formulas, by force, by science, or textbooks but by men skilled in the art of ruling”

— Crane Brinton, The Anatomy of Revolution, Share via Whatsapp

“Revolutions as often take place because the old regime simply collapse out of economic inefficiency and bureaucratic rigidity rather than for the reasons given out by their successors taking too much credit, however heroic their actions at the time of crisis (but so often in the past hopeless).”

— Bernard Crick, Democracy: A Very Short Introduction, Share via Whatsapp

“इस कदर वाकिफ है मेरी कलम मेरे जज़्बातों से, अगर मैं इश्क़ लिखना भी चाहूँ तो इंक़लाब लिखा जाता है।”

— Bhagat Singh, Share via Whatsapp

“The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power”

— Wael Ghonim, Share via Whatsapp

“Every revolution begins with one voice crying in the wilderness.”

— Jeffrey Fry, Share via Whatsapp

“Orang-orang tertindas hanya memiliki satu alat untuk melawan: amuk, dan jika aku harus memberitahumu, revolusi tak lebih amuk bersama-sama. di organisir oleh sebuah partai. Opressed people only have one tool of resistance: run amok. And if I have to tell you, revolution is nothing more than a collective running amok, organized by one particular party.”

— Eka Kurniawan, Share via Whatsapp