“When the morning sun wakes up, the darkness in the valleys looks for a place to hide!”
“The most precious light is the one that visits you in your darkest hour!”
“Başkasına merhamet etmek, ondan daha kuvvetli olduğumuzu zannetmektir ki, ne kendimiz bu kadar büyük, ne de başkalarını bizden daha zavallı görmeye hakkımız yoktur.”
“Debemos ser fieles a la verdad, no a nuestras palabras! Cambiar las palabras si no son compatibles con la verdad; retractarse de nuestras palabras y tirarlas a la basura!”
“Water is the most perfect traveller because when it travels it becomes the path itself!”
“Similar souls wander in the similar places! They may not know each other, but often they touch the same winds, they step on the same leaves, their looks are lost in the same horizons!”
“Kuşlar da gitti, dedi Mahmut. Sonra hiç konuşmadık. Kuşlar da gitti, kuşlarla birlikte de... Ne olacak, kuşlar da gitti.”
“Treat every natural beauty you met as if you see them for the first and last time!”
“Many lives are wasted by just waiting for something good to come from the horizon instead of going to the horizon and finding something good over there!”
“Your first purpose is to find a purpose for yourself. And your second purpose must not immediately be trying to reach that purpose you found but to investigate thoroughly whether that purpose is really necessary for yourself or whether it is worth at all to struggle for it! Because millions are fighting for a purpose which will in no way make them happy at the end!”
“Not only try but try your best!”
“If we keep telling that life is unfair but do nothing serious about it, then life will forever continue to remain unfair!”
“Babamın, sonradan daha iyi farkettiğim karakterinin eşsiz bir özetiydi bu cümle: ‘Dur bakalım hele.’ Hem kendi durur, hem de herkesi durdururdu bu cümleyle. Benim hızımı, annemin hırçın ve telaşlı atılmalarını hep bu amansız cümlesiyle keserdi: ‘Dur bakalım hele.’ Dünya tefekkür tarihine ‘Durbakalımhelecilik’ geçmezse, babama yapılmış en büyük haksızlık olacaktır bu. Ben de belki biraz bu felsefenin tesiriyle böyle olmuşumdur.”
“Cats strongly believe that everywhere is designed for their comfort!”
“What adjective can be used for a nation who is consistently fooled, recurrently deceived by the crafty politicians? Goofy? Very light! Fool? Not enough! Brainless? Yes, that is the very adjective!”
“Cats speak the language of comfort and coolness and therefore we feel comfortable and cool whenever we see a cat!”
“şimdi sen görünmeyen ne varsa, şimdi sen ruhumu okşayan her şey, şimdi herkes senin hayaletin, sen içimdeki bütün o ölü sesler”