“Even the master plan has room for improvement.”
“To dwell on the lack thereof is a mental trap the majority of visionaries are taught to do.”
“Minor inconveniences are just that, and nothing more.”
“The best bet is in yourself, the second best is in a cup of coffee.”
“Personal development is a lifelong commitment to excellence.”
“the worse enemy you can fight is the one that you hide yourself behind your own excuses”
“Saintliness doesn t mean flawlessness, saintliness means being aware of the flaws and mending them as you grow through life.”
“One of the most common problems in growth people face are with those who can t positively think out of the box and accept others views. The moment you try to suggest them something good or an experienced advice, they think you re showing off your knowledge. let them be, where they are! They stopped growing for a reason..”
“The best incentives in the life of a person involved in sales can be offering valuable products and solving end user problems. No bonus can replace that. Remember that.”
“Generational curses are actually blessings in disguise; the mistakes were already made for you, now all you have to do is apply the solutions.”
“Never think that because you did it better than it s been done that it s good enough.”
“We re never perfect. We re always measured against a yardstick we ll never see.”
“Tweet your business and watch it grow”
“The greatest part of God growing us is His need to work against the growth that we have mistaken for growth.”
“When the road gets hard, do not quit. When you are unsure of your next steps, pray and seek counsel, then keep moving.”
“We are called to GROW, but we are not called to grow in every area all at once.”
“You have the will to flutter within you.”