“Only a fool pursues perfection, the wise pursues self-correction.”
“The first thing I do when I feel frustration is to allow myself to feel it. And then I immediately ask myself, What does this mean? And within seconds I find an empowering meaning. It means I’m learning and growing. It means something better is on the way. This is the contraction before the expansion. I work the problem and try to mine whatever I’m supposed to be learning from it. It can be very painful, but my meaning is: this is how you grow.”
“You either make business your lifestyle, or business becomes your lifestyle.”
“Chase the vision regardless of what other people do, say, or think.”
“Competition only exists in your head, not in the marketplace.”
“Building your personal brand is one of the few ways you can ensure that you don t stay broke.”
“At the center of all achievement is personal growth.”
“Be the one who sets the trend, not the one who follows it.”
“Yearn more to learn more, so you can earn more.”
“It comforts me to know that anything I put my mind to, and pursue, I can achieve.”
“People get too big to do the little things and then wonder why they don t have the big results.”
“After all, the purpose of learning isn t to affirm our beliefs; it s to evolve our beliefs.”
“High pressure salesmen focus on the short term incentives to outweigh the long term cons”
“Your personal brand when consciously built can be a force for good, or a force for destruction.”
“Successful people who wish to maintain their successes must make the decision to do so.”
“Feeling uncomfortable about a situation is oftentimes the indicator that growth is about to take place.”
“Envisioning without action, is the equivalent of praying without faith.”